Engraving/Pet Tags

We are very pleased to be working with Funky Tags. www.funkytags.co.uk

Offering a wide array of pet tags, key rings, trophy plaques & shields, luggage tags, love locks, hip flasks, clipper lighters and small gifts. 

Pet tags engraved while you wait, prices from £6.50 to £10.

They are happy to engrave your own items including Zippo type lighters, pocket watches and picture frames.

Guidelines: item must have a flat surface and be no larger than A4. Unfortunately they are unable to engrave glass, rings or bracelets at present – new machine coming soon!

For a quote, please email a description or picture of your item to:  hello@funkytags.co.uk

Alternatively: Whatsapp/Text 07458 342599

Or Call: 020 8853 0764